Basic City Services
METRO D Line bus rapid transit route; source:
First Term (2018 - Current)
Big Idea
CM Cunningham responds to constituent concerns with compassion and urgency.
Ward 4 has the highest volume of constituent calls into the office and 311. CM Cunningham has worked alongside a hardworking Ward 4 team of Northside women of color to resolve thousands of constituent cases.
CM Cunningham advocated for Public Works to change its practice of focusing intensive plowing efforts on just high density areas, resulting in Ward 4 now getting more plowing resources.
EIGHT major road and transit infrastructure projects currently underway or in the planning phase.
Coordinated multiple emergency responses including:
Tornado and debris cleanup, safety checks.
Community safety efforts to combat white supremacist invaders.
Next Term (2022 - 2024)
Big Idea
CM Cunningham will continue to collaborate with City staff to find short- and long-term solutions to persistent Ward 4 issues like illegal dumping, littering, and abandoned vehicles.
Planned Focus Areas
Launch a local public awareness campaign to “Clean Up, Camden!” to change norms around illegal dumping and littering.
Collaborate with neighborhood associations, community groups, and community service organizations to create a community-based system of maintaining clean streets and sidewalks and nuisance abatement like graffiti.
Work with Public Works to continue fighting for better plowing of Ward 4 streets.
Continue collaborating with local nonprofit organizations to keep Ward 4 storm drains clear to prevent street flooding.
Improve street lighting on Ward 4 streets.