Community Safety

hundreds of guns off the streets

fair and just public safety policy


CM Cunningham’s position on Community Safety

Law enforcement is necessary at this time to help keep our neighborhood safe. We also know based on data that community violence has root causes that can be addressed through targeted intervention efforts. When a child witnesses violence in their home, they are many times more likely to become a perpetrator of violence later in life. To achieve lasting safety and peace in our community, we must get ahead of this cycle by investing in violence prevention and intervention efforts to keep our families and children safe.

First term (2017 - current) accomplishments

  • Creation of the Office of Violence Prevention

  • Creation of a Violence Prevention Fund to invest in “boots on the ground” groups doing violence prevention and intervention

  • Expansion of Group Violence Intervention

  • Violence Interrupters program implemented in Ward 4

  • Increased funding for intimate Partner Violence Intervention

  • Next Step bedside intervention for violent crime to prevent retaliation and trauma expansion to North Memorial

  • Conduct on Licensed Premises reform

  • A first-time gun offender diversion program 

  • A case investigator in the Office of Police Conduct Review

  • Additional class of MPD recruits annually

  • Expanded MPD co-responder program to include 4th Precinct

  • Expansion of Shotspotters technology north of the railroad tracks

CM Cunningham’s goals and focus areas

Family and gun violence are the most urgent safety issues facing our community. Stopping the cycle of violence before it begins while also providing high-quality, accountable police services will lead to long-lasting peace in our community.

  • Roll out a domestic violence intervention strategy.

    • Implement National Network’s Intimate Partner Violence Intervention strategy

    • A system to identify and respond to domestic abuse during shelter in place orders, such as COVID-19 and other emergencies

  • Reduce gun violence in the community

    • Full operationalization of Group Violence Intervention

  • Improve road safety

    • Launch a traffic enforcement strategy

  • Reduce the frequency of properties with chronic criminal and disruptive behaviors

    • Continue to reform the Conduct on Licensed Premises process

  • Address community trauma

    • Community Trauma Response plan