
Thanks to Councilmember Cunningham’s work and advocacy, thousands of Northside families are now stably housed.


CM Cunningham’s position on housing

All Ward 4 residents should have access to safe, high-quality housing that is stable and affordable within their means to prevent displacement.

First term (2017 - current) accomplishments

  • Tenant Relocation Assistance ordinance

  • Emergency Housing Repair ordinance

  • Lower taxes for single-family home rentals that maintain affordable rents through the 4D program

  • Expansion of the Minneapolis Homes program

  • Estimated 400-500 units of new units at UHT (more than half at below 50% of Northside AMI)

  • Shelter with wraparound services for boys in foster care

  • Stable Homes, Stable Schools initiative for families in need

CM Cunningham’s goals and focus areas

  • Stabilize homeowners during the COVID-19 economic recession

  • Protect vulnerable renters by holding absent property owners accountable to improve the quality of life for renters and their neighbors, as well as the quality of Ward 4’s housing stock

  • Pass an ordinance preventing sales of a Tier 3 and other rental properties with outstanding code violations

  • Improve housing inspections process

  • Fight against increasing property taxes

    • Partner with CM Goodman around increasing fees

  • Anti-displacement strategies for Upper Harbor Terminal